A downloadable game

Rend is a love-letter to old-school arena shooters like Doom II, Quake 3 or Unreal Tournament. It brings back the time where shooters were just fun, pure skill combined with map knowledge, no experience, no battle pass, no BS.

The game evolves on the engine of Wolfenstein 3D with Pico-8 aesthetics and a very approachable level editor, so you can unleash your inner level designer!


  • WASD - movement
  • QE - cycle weapons
  • Space / LMB - shoot
  • Tab / RMB - combo weapon swap
  • Xbox gamepads (and Xinput-compatible gamepads) should work


Music for this game was made by much more competent people than me, here are links to all tracks used by the game. Links open in new tab:


The game is currently under development. Right now it supports offline skirmish with bots and creation of custom maps with the editor. Below is the intended roadmap for the project:

[ ] Tutorial video for working with the editor  
[X] Finalization of sounds (weapon pickup, ballista fire & release sounds, ...)
[ ] Fixing graphical glitches
- [X] Fix texture affine mapping
- [ ] Flat clipping
- [X] Most issues tied to resolution are fixed, but is recommended to restart the game after changing resolution
[ ] Gameplay balancing
- [X] Weapons/Ammo have been rebalanced
- [ ] AI is either incredibly good or incredibly stupid, based on situation
[ ] Implementing network stack - I plan on enabling LAN multiplayer for up to 4 people
- [X] Solo game currently run on network stack
- [ ] Add support for more people (+ all menus)
[ ] UI & UX
- [ ] Gamepad support in menus
- [X] Map rotations - so multiple maps can be played in the row with the current settings
- [ ] Option for setting player name
[X] Support for map packs
[ ] CTF mode

If you encounter bugs, please report them on the game's Github page. In such case, attach stderr.txt, stdout.txt and demo.txt files that can be found in the `bin` folder.

Known issues

  • If you allow adding Start Menu app shortcut during installation, launching the game through this shortcut won't work as it uses bad working folder. Please launch the game directly from the `bin` folder (you can right click the .exe and send the shortcut to the Desktop, that will work).
  • It is possible now to take screenshots with the key P. Screenshots will be stored in the `bin` folder. Unfortunately, they will currently be black for whatever reason.


Rend-v0.3.0-Installer-Winx64.exe 9.8 MB

Install instructions

  • Do not install to C:\Program Files (you would be unable to save levels). Use a location that doesn't require admin privileges, like C:\Games
  • When first running the game, you will be asked to enable the game in Windows Firewall - please do it. There is no networking option for multiple people yet, but internally there is a local server involved even in the solo game (so I can debug the netstack).

Development log

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